
Download financial independence
Download financial independence

The policy has been certified by the IA but such certification does not imply official recommendation. It does not mean the policy is suitable for all policyholders nor is it an endorsement of its suitability for any particular policyholder or class of policyholders. However, the IA certification is not a recommendation or endorsement of the policy nor does it guarantee the commercial merits of the policy or its performance.

  • eIncomePro is certified by the Insurance Authority ("IA") as a Qualifying Deferred Annuity Policy ("QDAP").
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    You should read and understand all the relevant product documents/service terms and conditions and risk disclosure statements before making any investment decision. The maximum potential gain is limited to the pre-agreed interest rate.

  • Capital Protected Investment (CPI) Deposit is a structured product involving derivatives.
  • download financial independence

    Investors should read carefully and understand the relevant fund's offering documents (including the fund details and full text of the risk factors stated therein (in particular those associated with investments in emerging markets for funds investing in emerging markets)) before making any investment decision.

  • Investors should note that all investments involve risks (including the possibility of loss of the capital invested), prices of fund units may go up as well as down and past performance information presented is not indicative of future performance.
  • Hang Seng Bank is an insurance agent authorised by Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited and the insurance products are products of Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited but not Hang Seng Bank.
  • Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited is authorized and regulated by the Insurance Authority of the HKSAR.
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  • To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!.

  • Download financial independence